Childs Play is just as fun as an Adult

This weekend has been about trying new things, some new new and some old new. Does that make sense? Jumping back in to childhood activities really does feel nostalgic and as an adult we can appreciate them more. Are we more cautious and nervous, do we jump back in or dip our toes.


The family had a mini break on the west coast of Scotland, Loch Awe. They drove from Edinburgh and probably took 3 hours in total but only just over 100miles the journey was slow due to the single track roads. But the views were worth the slower pace. I met them via train, went to Glasgow and changed to get the tiny train towards Oban. Onboard were backpackers, trekking across the Scottish highlands and jumping onto boats to the Islands. What adventures lay ahead of them and what could I do in a short weekend.


Picked up off the single track, the station was just a stope and the rolling landscape was breathtaking.


Arriving to the little farm house couldn't have been more perfect, the skies were orange and clear and the air so clear our lungs were full of goodness.


Met by my little people who had obviously missed their Mum, they told me all the adventures they had already done. Canoeing, walking, bike rides, paddle boarding. How as an adult does that all sound? How long has it been since you tried any of these? 


As a daughter of PE teachers and with 3 brothers to share my upbringing. We were brought up with canoes, bikes, boats and any outdoor games we could squeeze in. So I had done lots as a child but the older you get the harder it is to go back and try things.


Friday we had booked Horse Riding, two things were that I have done a small amount of "pony trekking" but the funniest thing was when I told my best friends they all laughed at the idea of me on a horse. Secondly I wasn't' that keen on falling off, I have broken my hip once and not sure it could withstand another break. Anyway we arrived to the stables and we all explained our abilities and swiftly swung our legs over. I really wasn't nervous more excited to get going, only it didn't seem to get going. The best part for me was seeing the Highland Coos and the scenery. Beautiful and a little trot to finish was a nice ending. 


The kids absolutely nailed their turn round the yard and laughed hysterically when the horse let one go!



Next off to the harbour to throw a line in and catch some crabs, apparently a few were caught and fell off quite quickly. Rocco my youngest was please to find a dead one that he dissected and was pleased with. 


Birthday prep and the longest was turning 6, we spent the day playing ALL sports. He set out a golf course overlooking the loch, two beautiful birds flew by and we realised they were Golden Eagles. Other games of Rugby, football and table tennis all happened before some cake and chill.


Then we took the boats down to the loch, the last time I got into a canoe was when I was in 6th form, I had been doing my Duke Of Edinburgh Gold and me and my best mate Jonny had booked a trip to Anglesea. We went out on to the sea which was choppy and capsized me a few times, I had a kayak growing up but wasn't actually that good especially compared to my bothers who loved going down the rapids. I preferred the lakes and this was perfect, the kids in the front and me at the back. They got me soaked but it didn't matter and soon after we finished I jumped into the lake for a quick dip.


The weekend was perfect and it taught me that we have to keep trying, go back to things we have tried as kids as well as trying new things. Taking enjoyment out of things we had once enjoyed knowing that we can all do it:





Keep trying x

Anna x


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